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Saturday 4 March 2017

Ways to Protect Your Skin Against the Spring Chill

Although Spring is here, it doesn't mean that we can kiss the chilly weather goodbye just yet. Dry air and harsh temperatures can wreak havoc on our delicate skin.

Fortunately, with the right products, you can keep your skin healthy, supple, and protected against the elements.

Read on to learn seven tips for nourishing your skin despite the weather.

1. Cover Up

It is easier to protect skin from the elements than to try and help skin recover once it has been exposed. By wearing hats, scarves, and gloves, you can easily protect some of your most vulnerable areas against environmental assaults.

2. Give Your Shampoo a Break

During winter, the dry air can cause hair to become brittle and prone to static. To keep hair healthier, consider skipping a day or two between washes. This will allow hair to retain extra moisture and fight static.

3. Remember Your Lips 

Although lips are often forgotten in beauty routines, they are crucial to pamper in order to protect them against the harsh conditions of winter. Consider using a lip balm, such as EOS, that focuses on nourishing, natural, hydrating ingredients such as shea butter and Vitamin E.

4. Guard Against the Sun

Even in winter, sunscreen is a non-negotiable component of your skin care routine. Since UV rays are capable of penetrating clouds and reflecting off of snow, sunscreen is an essential requirement for each day of the year.

5. Bump up Your Beauty Routine

During winter, it might be necessary to boost the moisture in your daily beauty routine. Consider using products with hydrating, heavy-duty moisturizers such as natural oils, hyaluronic acid, and shea butter.

6. Show Your Hands Some Love

As with lips, hands are another area that often gets forgotten. In winter, it is likely that you are washing your hands more than usual. This extra washing promotes dryness and can lead to small micro-tears in the skin. Remember to frequently apply lotion and oils to keep hands hydrated and smooth.

7. Hydrate From the Inside Out

In addition to keeping your skin moisturized on the outside, be sure to drink adequate amounts of fluids during the day. Proper hydration will help strengthen your skin and raise moisture levels.  

Overall, the change of seasons does not need to be a time of dry, itchy, raw, uncomfortable skin. By pampering your skin with the right products, you can enjoy healthy skin all year round.
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