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Thursday 14 January 2016

Planning Tips For Your Next Family Camping Trip

A family camping trip can be the best way for your family to bond and strengthen relationships. But for that to happen, you first have to make sure that the whole thing goes as smoothly as possible. Here are some top family camping trips to help you out.

Make Sure the Tent is Fit for Purpose 

The tent is where you will be spending your time at night, and it’s where you’ll get shelter when the rain starts to fall. For that reason, you need to make sure that it is up to the task before you go on your trip. There’s nothing worse than getting to where you want to camp and finding that your old tent has a hole in the top. You should always put up the tent in the garden to test it before you leave.

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Have a Plan to Keep Everyone Entertained 

Keeping the entire family entertained when you go away on a family camping trip is no small task. It’s not something that can be done unless you have a real plan in place. You can only manage to make the trip go smoothly if everyone is entertained; there’s nothing worse than bored children! Think about what you are going to fill your days with. And you can also prepare some small games and activities to keep them busy and distracted. It could save the trip from disaster.

Take Backup Clothes 

You never know what the weather or the environment is going to throw your way when you go on a camping trip. And your trip might be ruined if you run out of clean clothes after the first day! You should always take more clothes than you think you will need. It’s better to be safe than sorry. It’s also important to make sure that you have the right clothes for the climate and the environment. If it’s going to be muddy, make sure you take the right footwear. Having the wrong footwear can be disastrous.

Take An Ice Chest 

You’re going to want to keep your food and drinks cold when you get there. The only way to do this is to take an ice chest with you when you leave. You can find ice packs for coolers on the internet. This allows you to eat good food, and that’s not always easy when you are camping. You could even take some things that you and the kids can roast over the campfire. I’d recommend buying some marshmallows and toasting them over the fire. This is a great idea for anyone who wants to keep their kids entertained in the evening.

Clean Up As You Go 

When you’re spending time in a natural landscape, it’s important to treat the landscape with care and respect. That means cleaning up as you go along. To do this, make sure that you take bin bags that you can take with you when you leave. And cleaning up as you go along is the best way to do the job. That way, the campsite and your tent won’t become too messy and hard to keep under control. It will also mean that you don’t have to do too much cleaning up at the end.

*collaborative post
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