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Wednesday 25 November 2015

10 Tips To Beat The Christmas Bloat

Christmas often results in us piling on the pounds, with some stats claiming that we gain up to five!

Here are the top ten tips to staying healthy over Christmas.

Apple and tape measure
You need a strategy to avoid piling on the pounds at Christmas
Sam Benjamin of No.G: Too Good to Be Gluten Free, makers of gluten free food products, has compiled the best ways to avoid overindulging over the festive period.

1. Sugar

Get rid of sweet cravings by swapping sugary treats for a low calorie hot chocolate. Guilt free and still delicious.

2. Exercise

Skip a ‘Home Alone’ movie marathon and make the most of family time with a festive walk instead. A half an hour brisk walk will burn off 200 calories.

3. Gluten

Beat the bloat and embrace gluten free options. Many celebrities have endorsed the diet, reporting a positive impact on digestion, mood and general wellbeing.

Gluten Free Treacle Tart-Food-motherdistracted.co.uk
No G Gluten Free Treacle Tart
4. Sleep

Adopt hibernating habits and say no to late night partying. Catching up on some zzz’s will improve your overall health and wellbeing.

5. Alcohol

Fend off the hangover, and the calories, by switching to non-boozy cocktails. Or stick to lower calorie drinks, such as gin and slim line tonic (drink responsibly)!

6. Sanitise

Christmas often brings an unwanted gift to many- the flu virus. Keep your hands clean by frequently washing or sanitising them and ensure nasty germs are kept at bay.

7. Turkey

Embrace tradition and have turkey for your Christmas dinner. It’s leaner than other meats, high in protein, naturally gluten free and has low saturated fat content, making it the perfect choice.

8. Desserts

Christmas pudding is full of fibre, B vitamins, potassium, iron and calcium making it a relatively guilt free dessert (just make sure you stick to one portion). Or knock the lid off your mince pie to lose a third of its calories!

9. Breakfast

Trade bucks fizz and croissants for a more nutritionally filling alternative. Smoked salmon and poached eggs or a bowl of hearty porridge will keep you satisfied until dinner is served. 

10. Cleanse

Reduce your consumption of pasteurised fruit juices and swap to cold pressed alternatives. Cold pressed juices give you a higher content of vitamins and antioxidants, without having to consume as much.

Sam says “We’re all guilty of over indulging over the festive period but with these tips you can still embrace the Christmas treats without increasing your waistline.”
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