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Sunday 13 December 2015

My Sunday Photo - 13/12/2015

Ieuan rockin' out
Ieuan rocking out!


Saturday 12 December 2015

Refresh & Rehydrate Your Kids With Robinsons

Kids do everything at 100 miles an hour and, in their haste to pursue the next shiny thing, or toy, or chance to make a mess, sometimes things like drinking enough fall by the wayside.

We know that staying hydrated is vital for our health.  In fact just a slight drop in hydration levels affects our brain and our performance.

Robinsons Sparkling Orange & Ginger - recipe - motherdistracted.co.uk
Robinsons Sparkling Orange & Ginger
And, for school age children, staying hydrated is even more important to give them the best chance to learn as much as possible.

So how do we encourage our kids (and the rest of our family!) to drink more?

Ideally, of course, the drink of choice would be water but, having regularly had to remove barely touched cups of water, it's good that there is another weapon in the parenting arsenal.

Robinsons Squash is a regular item on the shopping list with eleven flavours including no added sugar varieties. Caitlin's favourite is orange whilst Ieuan is an Apple & Blackcurrant fan.  They have to be different, don't they? But there's also Lemon & Mango, Orange & Raspberry and the more exotic Mango & Passion Fruit.

I drank Robinsons as a child too (yes I know that's a few years ago), although I'm afraid it never improved my tennis.

Caitlin about to make her Robinsons drink
Caitlin about to make her grown up drink
This year Robinsons have a new recipe and are encouraging us to be a little more creative with their squash to encourage us all to drink more water in a tasty, easy to prepare way.  All their squashes are now 'no added sugar' too.

So why not indulge your inner mixologist and see if you can come up with something a little more exciting than straight squash?

How about Warming Lemon & Ginger?  Robinsons Lemon with fresh lemon juice and finely grated ginger, served with warm water from the kettle?

Or, just right for Christmas, Mulled Apple & Blackcurrant? Apple & Blackcurrant squash with cloves, black peppercorns, star anise and ground allspice?  Just warm in a pan, simmer for 3 minutes and then set aside for 3 minutes to infuse.

Caitlin chopping an orange to add to her drink - Robinsons - motherdistracted.co.uk
Don't Worry - I Was Supervising!
Caitlin's new twist on her favourite orange squash was to combine it with ginger ale for a bit of sparkle and a touch more zing. Well, actually it was Robinsons' idea but I hadn't the heart to discourage her.

Adding the Robinsons Squash - motherdistracted.co.uk
Adding the squash
We used approximately 50 ml of Robinsons orange per glass and topped it up with sugar free ginger ale and sliced of orange.

Adding the ginger ale - Robinsons - motherdistracted.co.uk
Adding the ginger ale - other brands are available!

The drink was really refreshing and Caitlin really enjoyed having a hand in making a drink she found a little more exciting.

You could add a few extra touches if you wanted to with coloured straws, glace cherries on sticks (I'm going back to the 70's here) or even a cocktail umbrella.  Strangely the latter seem to have vanished from supermarket shelves.  Can't think why.

Caitlin drinking Robinsons Orange & Ginger Ale - motherdistracted.co.uk
Caitlin's "Orange Fantasy"
We're looking forward to mixing up some more combinations - next on the list is a St. Clements with orange and sparkling lemonade and I'm looking forward to warming some lemon squash and adding some honey the next time someone has a sore throat.

Why not give some of your own blends a try?

To find out more about the Robinsons range you can visit www.robinsonsquash.co.uk.  Alternatively you can talk to them on Facebook @RobinsonsDrinks or Twitter @DrinkRobinsons.

Like what you've read?  Why not join me on the Mother Distracted Facebook page, tweet me on @lindahobbis or follow me on Instagram.

*collaborative post

Friday 11 December 2015

12 Tips To Avoid All Out War At The Christmas Table

Christmas is a potential minefield for arguments; with family, with partners, with children, with the cat, with shop assistants and probably with yourself.  

If you’re the sort of person who could start an argument in a phone box, and if you’re hosting Christmas this year, channel your inner Kirstie Allsopp and consider the following.

Couple fighting - avoiding conflict at Christmas - motherdistracted.co.uk
Christmas seems to be a real flashpoint for some people
It does not all have to be perfect.  You do not have to greet people looking like an extra from a 1950’s retro greeting card in a twinset and pearls.  

You do not have to have place cards inscribed with perfect calligraphy, table confetti, ice cream sparklers or anything else you’ve longingly coveted in the Lakeland catalogue.  

It is a good idea though to adhere to some basic etiquette.  Either that or employ a bouncer.

Hospitable Hosting

Set time frames

There’s nothing worse than the embarrassment of having to turf out guests who overstay their welcome. If you can, send out written invites – e.g  “Coffee & Mince Pies, 4 – 6 pm".  Or then there’s that helpful phrase “would you like a coffee before you go home?” 

This has to be delivered with a certain amount of aplomb lest you come over like a Christmas curmudgeon and you probably won’t get away with it with close family and definitely not on Christmas Day. 

Avoid flashpoints

You know, I’m sure what topics are likely to start World War III but a couple of glasses of fizz and the urge to start talking about them is hard to resist.  

Think of it this way. Christmas Day is 24 hours. Even during World War I, the opposing sides took a day off at Christmas. Surely you can avoid talking about your ex, that outstanding loan, and why your children are never invited to Aunty Flo’s house for just a day. Stick your fork in your hands. Bite your tongue. Otherwise you’ll regret it.

Do not remark upon half-finished plates 

Annoying if you’ve slaved in the kitchen all morning but they’ve probably had too many Quality Street before turning up.

Eat your own food

It sounds weird but there’s nothing worse than a host who loads everyone else’s plate to the rafters and then eats half a potato and a pea because they’re on a diet.

Don’t get sloshed 

Alcohol and a stove whacked on to full power plus igniting the Christmas pudding is a recipe for disaster.

And, if you’re lucky enough to be a guest at someone else’s festive lunch this year….

Gracious Guest-ing

Bring a gift 

At the very least turn up with a bottle of something decent.

Curb your urge to flirt... 

....with your sister’s boyfriend, the next door neighbour or anyone else you know full well is off limits. 

And if you see someone flirting with your partner, try to ignore it and not cause a scene – at least till you get home! Tell yourself you must have made a good choice if someone else is after your partner.

Wear the paper hat

If everyone else is wearing their cracker hat, don’t be a mardy guts and refuse to on the grounds that “it will ruin my hair”. 

If Lady Gaga can go out wearing a meat frock, you can manage to balance a few grams of coloured paper on your head for half an hour.

Try the food 

You’re not 12. A mouthful of Brussel Sprout won’t kill you. And make sure you’ve told the host / hostess about your wheat allergy / gluten intolerance / fear of scallops well in advance of the day.

Join in 

Yes I know you hate party games but unless it’s “strip Twister” or someone’s suggesting throwing car keys in an ash tray, at least give it a go. 

Why not bring a pub quiz book with you or Trivial Pursuit so you can steer the post meal fun in a generally less embarrassing direction. You can’t go wrong with Charades, can you?

Don’t talk through the Queen’s Speech

In some houses, watching the Queen’s annual address is de rigueur and even if you think the French had the right idea with their guillotine, Christmas Day is not the best time to mention that. Keep your jokes about corgis and an annus horribilis for another time.

Know when to go home 

As a general rule, when your host’s eyes have glazed over and if anyone has started to snore, it's time to leg it.

In all seriousness though, if an argument does break out, the best thing to do is to try not to get involved. 

A dignified silence usually works well, as does “shall we discuss this another time? We don’t want to spoil the party”. 

Or there’s one of my favourite anti-argument techniques learned from Agatha Christie’s legendary Belgian detective, Hercule Poirot. On hearing anything vaguely insulting, Poirot would raise his eyebrows and utter just one word in a questioning tone – “Indeed?”.

Happy Conflict-Free Christmas!

Thursday 10 December 2015

Let The Bells Ring Out For Christmas - Except If You've Got Tinnitus

Spare a thought this Christmas for those of us whose ears are musical all year round.

We hear crickets chirping, kettles whistling, bells clanging, strange voices and a whole cacophony of sounds which the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra would struggle to replicate at full pelt.

Christmas tree bell decoration-tinnitus-motherdistracted.co.uk
Tinnitus sufferers don't want to hear bells at Christmas!

Add to this the problem that, for many Tinnitus sufferers, they are isolated by the fact that very few people understand how soul-destroying and draining a condition it can be.

Many Tinnitus sufferers live in a permanent state of heightened anxiety just waiting for something to set off their particular collection of sounds.

We travel with earplugs in our bags in case shop music is too loud.  We cannot attend a concert with 'naked' ears. Or, if we are brave enough to do so, we sit there just wondering whether we will pay for it tomorrow by a ramped up buzz (known to sufferers as a spike).

Car radios are a no-no.  The sound of a pneumatic drill or an ambulance siren when we are out and about may make us cover our ears.  Hairdryers, coffee machines, grass cutters, balloons popping - there is literally no end to the sounds which can set our ears off.

Simple things like attending a carol concert, a school nativity play or a pantomime become a sort of aural Russian Roulette.

Because the condition is so isolating, Tinnitus sufferers need to mix and socialise but the very thing they need the most can be the trigger for days of anxiety afterwards.

The great irony is that many sufferers are prescribed antidepressants to help them cope with their anxiety - and the tablets they are prescribed have been heavily implicated (at least anecdotally) in the increase or even causation of Tinnitus.  If you think I am exaggerating, a quick search of, for example, "Citalopram (a SSRI) and Tinnitus" brings up reams of stories from people who wish they'd never taken the stuff.

It is symptomatic of the fact that Tinnitus is so little understood by the medical profession, so infrequently acknowledged and so under-researched that sufferers are left to their own devices to seek for endless homeopathic or alternative cures, and fall prey to every quack who comes up with a 'miracle cure'.

We are left to cope with our problem alone and that, at Christmas, can be pretty miserable at a time when music is so important and such a part of the festivities.

So please be kind to those with this miserable condition.

And remember, they'll want fewer jingle bells and more of a silent night.

Further information:  if you suspect you have Tinnitus, please talk to your GP and contact the British Tinnitus Association who have lots of helpful information.

Tuesday 8 December 2015

Parents - Christmas is NOT "just for the children"

There comes a time when, it seems, those of us who love Christmas with a passion are expected to subjugate our need to cover every inch of the house in fairy lights and accept that now Christmas is "just for the kids, really".

Christmas decorations-Christmas is not just for the kids-motherdistracted.co.uk
It's easy to forget yourself in the chaos of Christmas 

Bah humbug!

If ever there were a time when the stresses of parenthood should be acknowledged and rewarded, it's surely at Christmas.

Now I can accept that if you hate Christmas, then telling yourself you are putting yourself through the nightmare of shopping in the overheated and overpriced emporia of commercial excess for them may well make it a bit more bearable.

But how sad.

How sad if we can't enjoy the fun.  How sad if we can't bedeck the fridge with tinsel.  How sad if we can't indulge our inner child and cover shelves with elves, stags, fake snow, snow globes and enough tealights to illuminate a football pitch.

Christmas should be a time to reflect; to congratulate yourself on another year of challenges and triumphs.  Another year of seeing your children grow, develop, mature in wonderful ways you probably never dreamed of.

Why dull their pleasure by not entering into the spirit of things?

Children want to see their parents happy.

And, the Christmas story is very much a celebration of parenthood isn't it?

Traditionally we women bear the brunt of the shopping, cooking and organisation.  Some of us put ridiculous amounts of stress on ourselves because we focus on making everyone else happy.

But why don't we find a few ways to make ourselves happy?

Whether that's a bottle of our favourite liqueur or our favourite chocolates, a scented candle, a new cushion or a special Christmas decoration to add to the tree, there are many ways to acknowledge ourselves.

It's not about buying things;  it's about acknowledging that we are very often the rock to which others cling and sometimes we need strengthening - otherwise we will find ourselves chiseled away.

Sometimes the best treat we can give ourselves is a little while alone, with a book and a coffee.  Time to reflect, regroup and breathe.

I hope that, as the Christmas preparations ramp up a gear this week, you will remember that it's your Christmas too.

Like what you've read?  Why not join me on the Mother Distracted Facebook page, tweet me on @lindahobbis or follow me on Instagram.

Sunday 6 December 2015

My Sunday Photo - 06/12/15

Caitlin as a soldier ready to dance The Nutcracker - motherdistracted.co.uk
Caitlin, ready for her role as a soldier in  The Nutcracker Ballet tonight


Saturday 5 December 2015

A Colourful Stationery Giveaway For Kids From Maped Helix

There's nothing like the incentive of colourful, fun pens, pencils and stationery to encourage kids to do their homework.  Well, that and various bribes and muttering about the removal of WiFi privileges.

Maped Helix is a stationery company with a long history and has been making educational and stationery products for many years.

Although best known for educational stationery, including the Helix/Oxford Maths Set, this year Maped are all about colour.

Maped Helix Stationery Products - giveaway - motherdistracted.co.uk
A Selection of Maped Helix Pens & Pencils *note prize bundle differs
They also have some quirky ideas which my two loved. What about the Zenoa Collector eraser (PVC free) which has a happy or sad face or the pink Twin Tip Girly ballpoint pen which has four colours,two at each end.  Then there's the strangely bendy Flex Box full of coloured pencils which you can bend to fit in your backpack or satchel.

Maped Helix Colour Peps Flex Box - giveaway - motherdistracted.co.uk
Maped Helix Color Peps Flex Box

Maped Helix Zenoa Eraser - giveaway - motherdistracted.co.uk
The Zenoa Eraser
We found the products to be solidly made and good quality.  We have got through endless packs of cheap supermarket 'value' pens or pencils which give no colour and last precisely 15 minutes before they've been dropped on the floor and are impossible to sharpen ever after.

Caitlin testing Maped Helix Girly Pen - giveaway - motherdistracted.co.uk
Caitlin has claimed the Girly pen as hers
I have a great prize bundle to give away which contains some ideal stocking fillers for Christmas.

There is:-

Maped Color Peps Flex Box with 12 coloured pencils
Maped Zenoa Collector Eraser
Maped Twin Tip Girly Ball Point Pen In 4 Colours
Maped Graph Pens - Fine Point In 4 Colours
Maped Geo Custom 15 cm ruler.

Please note some of these are different products to those pictured above.

Entry is via the Rafflecopter widget - just click on the link.  Terms and conditions apply.  UK entrants only.  The giveaway ends at 11:59 pm on Saturday 19th December.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Further information about Maped Helix products, including stockists, is available on their website www.mapedhelix.co.uk/products.

Friday 4 December 2015

Review: Salcura Bioskin Junior & Giveaway

Having had two kids who have occasionally suffered from mild eczema, I was interested to discover Salcura Natural Skin Therapy.

Salcura is a British Skincare Brand that creates natural formulations for problem skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, acne and sensitive skin.

Salcura Bioskin Junior Bathtime Bath Milk - Giveaway - motherdistracted.co.uk
Salcura Bioskin Junior Bathtime Bath Milk - £9.99

One of Salcura's most popular ranges is the award-winning Bioskin Junior, which caters to dry skin conditions in children. In particular the range is designed for babies and children prone to eczema and psoriasis.

Bioskin Junior offers a range of products to form a skin therapy regime which uses only naturally active ingredients. The products are free from steroids, SLS, parabens, lanolin, phthalates, antibiotics and paraffin.

The products are designed to work with the skin to aid its own natural healing process and will also help sooth dermatitis, dry and itchy skin. We were invited to try some of the Bioskin Junior products.

We tried the two step system (Daily Nourishing Spray and Outbreak Rescue Cream) and the Bath Milk.

The bath milk is designed to cleanse, soften and soothe and has chamomile as the active ingredient. There is also a face & body wash and a shampoo. The product has quite a botanical, natural fragrance and is non greasy - helping to avoid dangerous slips in the bath.  Salcura suggest using 2-3 capfuls of bathmilk per bath.   We found the bathmilk gave a soothing, gentle bath with no harsh aromas and no greasy residue left to scrub off the tub.

Salcura Bioskin Junior Daily Nourishing Spray - giveaway - motherdistracted.co.uk
Salcura Bioskin Junior Daily Nourishing Spray - £9.99

Eczema can damage the skin's protective membrane. Traditional creams and emollients can help to manage this by creating an artificial barrier but the Bioskin Daily Nourishing Spray works differently.

Salcura say it penetrates deeply to nourish and support the growth of new cells, helping the skin to repair itself and rebuild its own protective membrane.  

The nourishing spray is designed to be used on affected areas of skin twice a day. The spray can be used on the face too - just take care to avoid the eyes.

We found it to be a light, colourless spray which is easy to use, pleasantly fragranced and quickly absorbed.  

The Daily Nourishing Spray is part of a two step system.  The spray is for regular maintenance when skin is not flaring up. Its active ingredient is Sea Buckthorn, rich in Omegas.
Salcura Bioskin Junior Outbreak Rescue Cream
Salcura Bioskin Junior Outbreak Rescue Cream - £9.99
The Outbreak Rescue Cream is designed to be used during flare ups. It should be applied liberally to the skin as often as required and can also be used on the face.  I tried it on a sore patch of skin I have on my hand and the cream did not sting, was very soothing and left a definite protective layer.

The active ingredient is Natural Volcanic Zeolite, said to be rich in rejuvenating minerals.

I was quite impressed by the Bioskin Junior products and like the fact that there are no harsh additives. The spray, in particular, is a great way of applying skin care to wriggly, grumpy little ones! Older children could even apply it themselves.

There are some brilliant customer reviews on the website too.  If your child has eczema you tend to work your way through all the 'usual suspects' - Doublebase, Diprobase etc until you find one that works but the customer reports here are promising.

The Salcura Bioskin Junior products are available at  www.salcuraskincare.com and have a 30 day money back guarantee. Alternatively, you can find them at Boots and some wholefood shops.

I have a set of the products we reviewed to giveaway - the bath milk and the two-step system (the nourishing spray and the outbreak cream).  Entry is by the Rafflecopter widget.  UK entries only and terms & conditions apply. Please see my competitions page. The giveaway ends at midnight on Saturday 19th December.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Further information at https://www.salcuraskincare.com/bioskin-junior/.


7 Tips For Easier Meal Preparation This Christmas

Christmas dinner is, for many of us, one of the most important meals of the year.  It is probably the highlight of Christmas Day and the pressure is on us parents to produce something Nigella would be proud of.

Not only that, but we feel our table setting has to be picture perfect - all fake snow, glitter and candle light.  

Mince Pies & Cookie Tin - Easier Cooking This Christmas - motherdistracted.co.uk
There's nothing like a spot of home baking at Christmas
If you find yourself obsessing over whether the gifts in your 'luxury crackers' will meet everyone's approval, it's time to take stock.

The following tips may help relieve some of the pressure.

Write a list

Yes, a piece of advice as old as Santa but one I often forget to do.  You may think you can remember everything you need but there's always something, isn't there?  Cranberry sauce, cornflour, stock cubes and a choice of non-alcoholic drinks for grandma are usually the ones we forget.

Consider dietary requirements

Are any of your guests vegetarian, vegan or on a gluten free diet?  Does anyone have any allergies? The major supermarkets all offer acceptable ranges of food for those on special or restricted diets but make sure you know what you need well in advance.

Don't over-cater

If you believe the TV commercials, tables across the land will be groaning under the sheer weight of food but, at Christmas, as at any other time, it's sensible to avoid waste (of food and money).  I think many of us believe it's better to offer too much than too little but this can be a costly philosophy.

If you are serving canapes, the recommended amount is generally about 4-6 pieces over an hour before serving lunch.

Man drinking wine by a Christmas Tree-easier cooking this Christmas - motherdistracted.co.uk
Have you got enough to offer all your guests a Christmas tipple?
And what about wine?   The average person drinks 3 glasses of wine at dinner and there are 4 glasses in a wine bottle. But who am I to define your average?!

Just make sure you have enough non-alcoholic drinks for those who don't touch the stuff or anybody who is driving.

You can do your own calculations on Majestic Wine's site (there are others) to get a rough idea. You might also consider hiring glasses or even tableware.

Work out what you can prepare ahead

Many of your dishes and accompaniments can be prepared ahead. For example, you can batch cook mince pies and freeze them.  Many desserts can be made the day before and kept in the fridge - trifles, mousses for example. Vegetables can be prepped the night before and popped in the fridge.  (I put them in bowls with a little water to keep them fresh).

Check the capacity of your oven

Will that huge turkey you've bought actually fit in your oven?  And if it does, will you have room for the roast potatoes and vegetables?  Are you steaming your veg?  Are there enough rings on the hob?!

Make More Use Of The Microwave

Vegetables can be steamed in the microwave.  And, sacrilege though it may be to some, many shop bought Christmas puddings can be microwaved too.

It may be worth investing in one of the new combination microwave ovens which also grill, steam and bake to give yourself extra cooking capacity.

On some of the newer Panasonic models, for example, you don't even need to set power levels, food weight or cooking time.


Peeling and chopping veg can be delegated to the family.  Once children have reached a sensible age, they can help too.

If you've got guests coming round, why not ask them to bring a dish rather than the usual wine or chocolates.  They could bring a salad accompaniment or an alternative dessert or cheese.

And of course, if your partner considers you a nightmare in the kitchen like mine does, you could always delegate the cooking to them!

Lastly, remember it's your Christmas too - so make sure there's something on that shopping list you really enjoy.

Like what you've read?  Why not join me on the Mother Distracted Facebook page, tweet me on @lindahobbis or follow me on Instagram.

*collaborative post

Thursday 3 December 2015

Teach Your Kids Scooter Tips & Tricks This Christmas

I'm sure that scooters are a very popular gift idea for kids and teenagers this Christmas.  Anything that gets them away from a screen and out into the fresh air can only be a good thing!

And, unlike most bikes, you can do some really cool stunts with a scooter - as long as you take the necessary safety precautions of course.

With this in mind, Halfords have come up with a great guide containing scooter tips and tricks.  The guide is for beginners to give them some cool insider knowledge and it's got step by step guides to tricks, information on essential equipment and the best places to go scooting around.

Did you know, for example, that it is actually illegal to ride a scooter on the road or a public footpath?

I've included a couple of the easier moves for you but why not check out the full guide HERE.

Safety equipment is so important, particularly if your child falls over with every gust of wind, like Ieuan seems to at the moment.  Head gear, in particular is crucial.  I see so many kids riding scooters with no protection to their delicate heads at all.

These should certainly keep my two entertained for a good while and give my ears a break from the constant Harry Potter and Star Wars theme tunes which indicate the children are in the house somewhere!

And I'm sure we'll all welcome the chance to get out of the house over the Christmas break.  There are only so many times you can watch "The Empire Strikes Back", aren't there?

*collaborative post

Creating the Ultimate Kid's Bedroom

At the moment, Caitlin and Ieuan are lucky enough to have their own rooms but, being younger, Ieuan is in what you might call the 'box room' and he is already well aware that his sister has more terroritory than he has.

One of our projects for 2016 is going to be the revamp of his room to create a den any boy would be proud of.

A child’s bedroom should be a great place to play, study and sleep, and the design of a child’s bedroom can actually be beneficial to their development.

Decorating a kid’s bedroom offers lots of opportunities for creativity and a great way to nurture your child’s interests and passions. Is your child a fan of dinosaurs, or are princesses more of their thing? Are they more cool or cosy? No matter what your child loves, you can turn their bedroom into a space that they love and want to spend time in.


There are so many options for decorating your child’s room. You can’t go wrong with starting with their interests and going from there. For example, if your child likes water then you can paint the walls blue, decorate them with fish and make it look like the room’s underwater.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, keeping things cool and stylish can be great, especially for older children that may be growing out of their childhood interests and moving towards a more mature identity. For rooms like this, you can’t go wrong with bold and bright colours mixed with more neutral decoration will make for a cool and stylish bedroom.

Sometimes, there’s no better way to create a bedroom that your child loves than by letting the child decide for themselves. Having white boards fitted on the walls lets your child decorate their own room as little or as often as they’d like. Sometimes there’s nothing better than a blank canvas!


Kitting out a child’s room with the right furniture, which can be used for various purposes. Sets of shelves can be used to store book, toys and trinkets, and a desk properly placed can make for a great study space. And, of course, there’s the bed. While it’s important that your child has a comfortable place to sleep it’s also important that it fits in with the theme of the room.

For example, if you have a daughter that likes to have sleepovers, then a wooden white guest bed is perfect for a girl’s room. The neutral white finish will suit almost any décor, the simple frame looks great, and the structure means that you can turn the single frame into a double or twin beds. These extra frames are stored within the bed, meaning that storage won’t be a problem. Bedstar provides a great range of beds suitable for children of all ages, offering fantastic comfort and style that would make an excellent addition to any child’s bedroom.

The most important thing is to remember that it’s your child’s room at the end of the day, and it should look the way that they want it to. Work with them to create their ultimate dream bedroom.


5 Ways To Live More Ethically & A Coffee Hamper Giveaway

At Christmas, when a wave of rampant consumerism sweeps across the land, isn't it nice to pause occasionally and think about how you can do your bit for the planet and your fellow humans?

Without wanting to sound too evangelical about it, as I get older, I realize how lucky I am and how much I have.

There are many opportunities to give something back; so many charities competing for our spare cash but I think that living ethically should be something that is part of our daily lives.

Lady with coffee beans - ethical living - motherdistracted.co.uk

For example:-

Reduce Food Waste

If you watched the recent BBC One TV programme "Hugh's War On Waste" with Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall, you were probably as flummoxed as I was by the treatment of local farmers by some of the big supermarkets. The vegetables supplied had, according to the supermarkets, look good with no knobbly or gnarled bits. This lead to tonnes of perfectly edible vegetables being thrown away.

Buy Local

Support local farmers and food producers by buying local produce. It's a great opportunity to teach children about where their food comes from and a chance for the family to get in touch with their food. You could take the kids strawberry picking in the summer, for example.

And what about local dairies, cheese producers and wine-makers?  Here in the Vale of Glamorgan where I live we are lucky enough to have a great local vineyard, Llanerch Vineyard, which makes award winning Welsh wine.

Buy Fair Trade Produce

Happy plantation worker - ethical living - motherdistracted.co.uk

Most of us are familiar with the work of the Fairtrade organisation and its principles are even taught in our local schools.

Fairtrade is about better prices, decent working conditions and fair terms of trade for farmers and workers.

It is also about supporting the development of farming and worker communities so that they have more control over their futures and protecting the environment in which they live and work.

There is a wide range of Fairtrade products available in the supermarkets these days and if you drink as much tea and coffee as we do, it makes sense to buy Fairtrade, for example coffee from Cafédirect.


Many councils now run recycling schemes for plastic, cardboard, tins and food waste but what about other items like clothing and toys?  There are clothing recycling points in some supermarkets and numerous charity bag schemes where you fill the bag and put it out for collection.

We like to bag up clothes, books and toys and drop them off at our local charity shop but you could also donate toys to local playgroups.  Animal shelters are often glad of old jumpers, towels and bedding to keep the animals warm in winter.  There are even schemes to send used pairs of prescription glasses abroad.

I think the best advice is to think before you throw away.  It's the old saying "your trash may be somebody's treasure".

Choose an Ethical Bank

Do you really know how your money is used and invested?  How would you feel if you found out, for example, that your cash was supporting companies polluting the atmosphere?

The 2015 UN Climate Change Conference in Paris has highlighted how great a threat the ever increasing level of pollution is to the world's population and how it is contributing to global warming.

Triodos Bank, are an ethical bank who only lend to and invest in organisations that benefit people and the environment. Triodos Bank is a world leader in sustainable banking and their mission is to make money work for positive social, environmental and cultural change.

They publish details of every organisation they lend to, and invest in, so you know exactly where your money goes. No other bank offers such a clear link between your savings and investments and the positive difference they make.

Triodos Bank are currently running a great giveaway with their partner, Cafédirect and I have a great coffee hamper to give away!

Triodos are also running a giveaway on their Facebook page to win a luxury glamping trip with Canopy & Stars.  Check it out HERE.

The hamper includes:-

Cafe Direct Products - Ethical Living - motherdistracted.co.uk

Cafédirect Medium Roast & Ground coffee 227g
Rich Roast & Ground coffee 227g
Machu Picchu Roast & Ground coffee 227g
Kilimanjaro Roast & Ground coffee 227g
Instant Coffee Medium Instant Coffee
Machu Picchu Instant Coffee
Decaf Gold Tea
Everyday Tea
San Cristobal Hot Chocolate
SaoTome Hot Chocolate

Entry is via the Rafflecopter widget.  UK entries only.  The closing date is 11th December at 5:30 pm.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

*collaborative post

Wednesday 2 December 2015

7 Signs You Need To Replace Your Electric Blanket

Now that it's getting colder, many of us are getting out heavier weight duvets, throws and electric blankets to keep warm.

But did you know that more than 5,000 house fires each year are caused by faulty electric blankets?

In most instances, the electric blanket was already showing signs of needing to be replaced - but would you know what these signs are?

Bedding specialists Sleepy People have put together an infographic which highlights 7 signs which quickly and easily show that a blanket shouldn't be used.

It really isn't worth taking a risk when you can get a new electric blanket like the Silentnight Comfort Control Electric Blanket for £21.99.

It's definitely better to be safe (and warm) than sorry.


Tuesday 1 December 2015

Review: The KidzInMind App - A Safe Digital Playground For Kids

There's no denying that iPads and tablets are a permanent fixture of the parenting landscape.  They can be a brilliant resource for education and hands-on learning.  Equally, and more contentiously, they are often used as a babysitter and a distraction when in restaurants and doctors' waiting rooms.

KidzInMind test on iPad - tech - motherdistracted.co.uk
Ieuan testing the KidzInMind app
I'm sure that iPads, tablets and gadgets in general will feature heavily on many parents' shopping lists this Christmas, but how many of us think about our children's privacy and the risks they may be unwittingly exposed to?

Our two have had tablets for several years and we soon learned that children today are incredibly IT-savvy. Very quickly apps were discovered and played with and we found that Caitlin (aged about 4) was already trying to memorise passwords (with some success, I might add).

Both adored YouTube videos of Kinder Egg openings and the unveiling of the latest Marvel Superhero merchandise. Then there are many, many videos of people popping balloons.  Everyone needs a hobby, I suppose.

There have been one or two occasions though where we've caught them watching stuff like Annoying Orange and a Buzz Lightyear video in which the language was definitely inappropriate.

And it's not surprising.  In a recent GPEN report on children’s privacy online, the results showed that nearly 60% of websites and apps redirect children away from the site or app, meaning there is a greater chance of discovering inappropriate content. It also found that only 22% tailored content specifically for children.

So I was pleased when we were recently invited to review KidzInMind which is described as "a safe digital playground filled with fun and educational apps for the growing minds of little children".

KidzInMind icon - tech review-motherdistracted.co.uk
The KidzInMind app offers a safe 'digital playground' for kids to play in.

Available on iOS and Android (sadly not on Windows), KidzInMind claims to offers parents peace of mind with age appropriate and approved educational apps, videos and games for kids on smartphones and tablets.

There are no adverts, no hidden payments and parental device controls are included.

Kidzinmind is an app containing apps which have all been vetted for the educational suitability and safety. The recommended age range is 1-6. Parents are able to control what the kids see and the kids are given access to a playground of icons such as a book, an easel and so forth.  Clicking on each of these take the child to a range of themed apps.

Every app has been selected and approved to meet strict criteria.

● Safe and secure - no inappropriate language, no advertising, no hidden payments and a baby safe mode.

● Educational - all apps have been evaluated to ensure that they are engaging, educational and appropriate to the child’s stage of learning.

● Time alert play - you can relax in the knowledge that your child is learning within a safe and secure environment and control the amount of play time your child is allowed with the parental control timer.

● Restrict activity – you can use the parental control feature to specify exactly what your kids can do whilst using the KidzInMind e.g. no internet or other app access.

● Approved by parents – KidzInMind has received the kidSAFE Seal, Mom’s Choice Award and was nominated Best Mobile App for Children and Toddlers in 2014

Ieuan testing KidzInMind game - motherdistracted.co.uk
He's very thorough.
The games are varied in their age appeal.  There are some really sweet simple games where the child can create their own aquarium.  Ieuan (6 last June) really loved the camera templates where you can take a selfie and superimpose funny glasses or a santa hat on to your photo.

There are also some age appropriate videos, including one of our favourites - Larva (you may have caught it on CITV).

I think 6 is definitely the top age for this app and it was interesting to see that, despite the relative sophistication of some of the games Ieuan plays, for example Spiderman, he was just as happy with a simpler, less noisy, less intrusive game where he could fully understand what he was doing.

I would definitely feel confident letting the kids play with KidzInMind without having to dash back and forth checking that they aren't watching something adult rated.

I really liked the handy parental control features and there is a good choice of games to play. KidzInMind say that the value of the educational games and apps is well over £50. The types of app you can expect (all fully vetted) are nutritional, (in collaboration with Parma University), handwriting and brushing your teeth correctly.  In fact, KidzInMind has worked closely with experts in paediatrics, nutrition and education to curate a unique selection of the best apps for children.

Ieuan says "It's amazing. My favourite is Dino Lab and I love watching Larva" - he's currently assembling the ingredients to make a cake via the Families 2 app. Prior to that, he reassembled a dinosaur skeleton in an online jigsaw.

KidzInMind is more than just an app too. The KidzInMind blog, the Facebook page, the Twitter profile and the YouTube channel offer parents access to a wealth of information about different services or products for their children and discussions with other mums and dads.

KidzInMind is available to download on Android from Google Play and iOS from the App Store.

The app is subscription-based and after the first week, which is free, KidzInMind is priced at 79p per month for limited in-built apps and features. Parents can pay £2.99 per month for unlimited access to the full app, video and game catalogue and all the parental safety controls.

I think this very reasonably priced, given the quality of the apps contained within KidzInMind and it is certainly worth if for the peace of mind and educational content.

For more information about KidzInMind please visit www.kidzinmind.com/uk.

Like what you've read?  Why not join me on the Mother Distracted Facebook page, tweet me on @lindahobbis or follow me on Instagram.

Is Your Boss A Scrooge? Here's 12 Gifts Employees Would Appreciate.

When I was working in the law firm, the festive period was heralded by the appearance on reception of a tin of Quality Street (other chocolates are available) from the bosses.

office worker-gifts employees would appreciate-motherdistracted.co.uk
Ah, Christmas.  Absolutely no effect on the workload whatsoever.

If we had been good employees, we would also receive a bottle of something non-vintage and possibly some chocolates to take home.

Reactions would be mixed.  Happy employees would be grateful and secrete the gifts straight into their bags to take home to share with the family.

Disgruntled employees would spend hours (possibly days) moaning about how a box of chocolates was never going to make up for being asked to work late in June nor the terrible state of the office microwave.

Which rather begs the question, what Christmas gift would make employees happy - apart from a pay rise and an increase in their holiday allowance of course.

These days I'm responsible for ensuring my own working environment is safe and efficient, but when I was a practice director, I well remember what a fraught time Christmas could be in an office where morale was not at its highest.

Commercial furniture specialists, Sketch Studios have been inspired by the song "On The 12 Days Of Christmas" and come up with 12 suggested presents they think would generate more good will from the work force than a Quality Street jumbo purple sweet.

Here are their suggestions.

Day 1 - better tea/coffee/refreshments

Fundamental to the well-being of every worker, isn’t this what gets us through the day? Adopt the same cafe-style culture as those on the high street and invest in some decent beans/tea and equipment. It’ll make staff feel valued and will draw them back to the workplace for their refuelling.

Day 2 – plants

As well as great health benefits - they generate oxygen and reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the air, aiding concentration and lifting spirits - plants are a calming influence and great to look at. 

Day 3 - a height-adjustable desk

One size will not fit all – it creates poor posture, a major cause of back pain, stress and repetitive strain injury.

Day 4 - a decent ergonomic chair

Humans are not designed to sit all day, so invest in chairs that aid posture. It may be tempting to invest in trendy tub chairs or modular seats to spruce up the office/reception, but they will not help those who are desk-based.

Day 5 - more flexible space

Today’s workers are expected to multi-task so create environments that help them do this. Tasks may include undertaking focused work, reading, attending meetings and collaborating with colleagues. Then there’s a need to squeeze in a break away from work and have some social interaction.Those with a variety of spaces to choose from will be more productive (who wants to sit behind a desk all day?).

Day 6 – headphones

Noise can be a major irritation. It prevents concentration and adds to stress levels. If you’re unable to provide appropriate spaces for the task in hand, such as a quiet room for reading/individual focused-work, these may do the trick.

Day 7 - better temperature control

If it’s fine for men but too cold for women (as the recent gender debate suggested), set the temperature between the two and adjust to the daily outside temperature as opposed to what it should be for the season. Otherwise winter woollies will have to suffice.

Day 8 - improved lighting

Access to natural light is a must, particularly during the sun-starved winter season. Shift furniture to make windows more accessible and where natural light is limited, invest in office lamps to prevent eye strain.

Day 9 – a computer upgrade

With more people using mobile technology it’s easy to overlook the fixed desktop equipment, yet for those who are office-based it’s their professional lifeline. A revamp will make staff more productive as they’ll spend less time waiting for their machine to perform tasks. 

Day 10 - more storage space

Staff who bring in their own equipment need somewhere to put it. The same applies to those who exercise; set aside a storage area for kit, it’s more secure and keeps the place tidy.

Day 11 – an office clean-up

Initiate a tidy campaign and give staff 30 minutes or so to clear up their working areas. Office-based workers can un-clutter desks, file away paperwork, clean-out draws, move items from the top of filing cabinets, smarten up those wilting plants and remove out-of-date food from the fridge. Flexible staff may want to check the leads/chargers they borrowed for their laptop, tablet or mobile are back where they should be.

Day 12 – pimp the small room

Spruce up the toilets/washroom for Xmas; give them a lick of paint or re-tile, pipe in Christmas music, add a plant or two and some decent accessories. If there are high-level water tanks, turn them into mini-aquariums or encourage employees to contribute to their mural. 

I'm not sure an office clean-up would find much favour unless there was an incentive involved (mulled wine and mince pies?) but these are sensible suggestions to make the time spent in an office environment more enjoyable.

But why should these be kept for Christmas?  A better 'present' would be the inclusion of a sensible amount for ongoing office maintenance in the annual budget, together with decent investment in staff training and HR support.

Then the office moaners might be a little happier with their Chateau-Collapse-A-Rhino and the bosses might even get offered a Quality Street.

Like what you've read?  Why not join me on the Mother Distracted Facebook page, tweet me on @lindahobbis or follow me on Instagram.


Monday 30 November 2015

Beck Valley Book Tour: Laguna Lights By Kaira Rouda

New Release....
Welcome back to Laguna Beach...

Laura Kinkaid’s glamorous Hollywood life is falling apart. After years of reality television stardom beginning in high school on Laguna Nights, her career and relationship with her long-term boyfriend Scott are fizzling out.

Laura decides to go home to Laguna Beach for the weekend to attend a baby shower for her high school friend. That decision – and a car accident – will lead her to a new future, if she’s ready to take a chance at love. 

Paul Dorn’s former life in New York City is far behind him and he’s working in a popular Laguna Beach surf shop when fate brings the most beautiful woman he’s ever met into his life. The attraction is instant and he has an overwhelming desire to protect her. While Paul’s retail sales career is a short-term job for market research purposes, his focus on Laura is long-term.

Will Laura allow a handsome stranger to help her create a future unlike her past, or will the bright lights of Hollywood pull her back to LA?

***Laguna Lights can be read and enjoyed as a stand alone read. And if you enjoy Laura and Paul's story, please consider reading the rest of the Laguna Beach series.

Book available to buy from....
Amazon.com    Amazon.co.uk   Barnes and Noble   iBooks   Kobo

My Review

This is a light and frothy enjoyable romance with characters who'll remind you of your favourites in TV shows "The Only Way Is Essex" or "Made In Chelsea".  The book is part of a series but can be read as a stand alone story.

When ex-reality star Laura meets handsome surf-wear designer Paul after her life in LA implodes, the die is cast for a whirlwind romance which turns into something which changes the course of both their lives.  In fact, their romance is so perfect I spent most of the novel waiting for something terrible to happen.  There are one or two challenges but I won't spoil the story for you.

If you like your romances with a little more depth and action, this may not be for you.  The sex scenes are also pretty explicit which I felt was unnecessary in places.  But, as an entertaining romantic tale to while away an hour or two, this is perfect.  

Also available
Laguna Nights (Laguna Beach Book 1)
Madison Alcott was back in her hometown, caring for her sick mom and working long hours at the best resort in Laguna Beach. She never imagined she'd return to the place where she became famous on the hit reality TV show Laguna Nights, and the place where she was humiliated on national television. Fortunately, the past had stayed tucked away until her old high school boyfriend appeared in the lobby.

Josh Welsh was a superstar by age eighteen, the bad boy break-out star of Laguna Nights. Since then, his star had lost its shine and he barely was holding onto his Hollywood status. When he was asked to host a new reality travel show, he jumped at the chance. The only problem was the first episode was shooting in Laguna Beach. Of all the reasons Josh didn't want to return home, he hadn't even imagined the worst scenario: running into Madison "Holly" Alcott.

Josh's connection to Madison was still as strong as her anger at his betrayal. When the new reality series forces them together, they must face Laguna Nights past and present, and navigate a journey where nothing is as it seems.
Book available to buy from....
Amazon.com  Amazon.co.uk Barnes and Noble   iBooks   Kobo

Laguna Heights (Laguna Beach Book 2)
Annie and Hank have created a perfect life in Laguna Beach but when a dark secret is revealed, will their marriage survive?

In high school, Annie Johns was the calm, supportive sidekick to the rest of the tumultuous female stars of the hit reality TV show, Laguna Nights. Today, she's living the happy life as a mom that she predicted on the show long ago. There's only one problem: the secret from her past that haunts her most nights, a secret that if revealed could ruin everything she shares with her husband, Hank, the man who saved her from the heartache.

***Laguna Heights can be read and enjoyed as a stand alone novella. And if you enjoy Annie and Hank's story, please consider reading the rest of the Laguna Beach series.
Book available to buy from....
Amazon.com    Amazon.co.uk   Barnes and Noble   iBooks   Kobo

About the Author
Kaira Rouda is a USA Today bestselling, multiple award-winning author of contemporary women's fiction and sexy modern romance novels that sparkle with humor and heart. Her women's fiction titles include HERE, HOME, HOPE, ALL THE DIFFERENCE and IN THE MIRROR. Her bestselling short story is titled, A MOTHER'S DAY. Kaira's work has won the Indie Excellence Award, USA Book Awards, the Reader's Choice Awards and honorable mention in the Writer's Digest International Book Awards. Her books have been widely reviewed and featured in leading magazines.

Her sexy contemporary romance series set on INDIGO ISLAND includes: WEEKEND WITH THE TYCOON, Book 1; HER FORBIDDEN LOVE, Book 2; THE TROUBLE WITH CHRISTMAS, Book 3; and THE BILLIONAIRE'S BID, Book 4. Each of these novellas can be read as a stand alone, or enjoyed as a series. Her new series is set in LAGUNA BEACH and includes: LAGUNA NIGHTS, Book 1; LAGUNA HEIGHTS, Book 2; and LAGUNA LIGHTS, Book 3 coming winter 2015. She also helped launch Melissa Foster's The Remington's Kindle World with her bestselling novella, SPOTLIGHT ON LOVE, and is part of Carly Phillips Dare to Love Kindle World with THE CELEBRITY DARE.

Her nonfiction titles, REAL YOU INCORPORATED: 8 Essentials for Women Entrepreneurs, and REAL YOU FOR AUTHORS: 8 Essentials for Women Writers (available for free download on her website) continue to inspire.

She lives in Southern California with her husband and four almost-grown kids, and is at work on her next novel. Connect with her on Twitter, Facebook at Kaira Rouda Books and on her website, KairaRouda.com.
Find the author on the following sites...

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I received this book to review through Beck Valley Books Book Tours, all the opinions above are 100% my own.


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Signed Book of Laguna Lights with bonus content of Book 2 Laguna Heights
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