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Wednesday 16 December 2015

Festive Outfit Inspiration From Bonprix

It's that time of year when not only do we girls have to ensure that we produce a Christmas lunch worthy of Nigella for the family and presents to satisfy the most discerning, but we're supposed to look stunning at the same time.

I don't know about you but finding time to plan a spectacular outfit is a bit tricky - not to mention factoring in the extra cost.

Happily, the Bonprix stylists have done the job for me - and at a very reasonable price too.  Here are their suggestions for four rapidly approaching Christmas events.  See what you think.

The Work Christmas Party

I'm hoping you'll be treated to a fabulous meal somewhere swanky.  Drinking champers out of your footwear might be a slightly career limiting move though.  The last Christmas party at the Law Firm involved a tray of sausage rolls from the sandwich bar downstairs and some perry.  How the other half live, eh?

Christmas Jumper Day - Friday 18th December

Friday 18th December is Christmas Jumper Day for ITV's Text Santa which this year is supporting Macmillan Cancer Support, Make-A-Wish UK and Save the Children UK.  You can find out more here.

Just text SANTA5 or SANTA10 to 70760 to donate £5 or £10 to these great causes.

Wearing a Christmas jumper is rapidly becoming a Christmas tradition but there are some tasteful ones out there!

 Christmas Day

If you're going to be in the kitchen cooking (or supervising whilst nursing a glass of wine), you might not want to wear anything too elaborate.  These separates are the right combination of practical, chic and sparkly.

New Year's Eve

These days our New Year's Eves tend to involve watching Big Ben and the fireworks on the BBC and then switching over to Jools Holland (if you get the chance to see him live, go!).  That's no reason not to dress up though, is it?

All clothes are available from size 6 - 24 and there's currently 25% off and free delivery with your first order when you open an account.

Have a stylish Christmas.

Further information at www.bonprix.co.uk.

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