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Sunday 21 May 2017

Win A Pair Of Eyejusters - Reading Glasses With Adjustable Strength

Being both a glasses and a contact lens wearer brings a unique set of challenges when you need a varifocal lens.

To date, there seem to be no varifocal toric lenses to meet my prescription on the market which means that if I wear my contact lenses I still need reading glasses for close work.

Olive and cream multilayer eyejusters
Olive & Cream Multilayer Eyejusters

Which rather negates the point of having contact lenses in the first place.

Still, despite this bugbear, I am assured that a varifocal lens to meet my needs is coming so I just have to soldier on with my cheap pair of shop bought readers which will allow me to do useful things like read labels on the back of tins and menus in restaurants.

Each pair of these has a fixed strength which means that I may still occasionally struggle to read things in small print and, of course, if my prescription changes, I have to buy a new pair of reading glasses.

Eyejusters, on the other hand, are British invented and manufactured adjustable reading glasses that allow you to change the focal strength of your reading glasses by adjusting two little black dials either side of the lenses.

Discretely placed, by simply twiddling them together you slide back a kind of inner lens which alters the strength of your lenses with a certain tolerance - this is known as Slidelens Tech.

Because your vision in each eye varies, Eyejusters can be adjusted to suit each eye separately.  And you can't see the little black dials from most angles either.

They are great for people who need to see the small stuff, for example when doing DIY or computing, hobbies like jewellery making and sewing or reading your mobile device. They would make a great Father's Day present too as you don't need to know the wearer's prescription.

I was surprised to find that I could alter mine to not only see my PC screen close up but I could almost adjust them to my distance prescription - that is to say matching the prescription of the contact lenses I wear.

Linda Hobbis wearing Eyejusters adjustable reading glasses

They are not, it must be said, a substitute for a proper optical examination and properly prescribed lenses, particularly for driving but they are a definite step up from the cheap and cheeful reading glasses you can buy over the counter in a number of shops these days.

Available on line, Eyejusters are unisex and there's 17 different styles and colours to choose from. They are priced at either £69 or £79 but they should last a lot longer than my over the counter readers because they will last through more than one or two minor prescription changes.  They are suitable for someone who requires a positive prescription up to 3 dioptres.

They also come with a money back guarantee.  Try them at home for 30 days and if you don't love them simply send them back. There's free delivery and free returns.

The frames are sturdy and pleasantly coloured (mine are olive and cream) and they come in a a strong grey case with a cleaning cloth.  I was impressed to discover that the lenses have an anti-scratch coating which often attracts an additional charge from an optician.

The only downside is that because there is a kind of double lens, I did look a little 'Joe 90' (retro reference there) but if it means I can choose my own restaurant food without having to hiss 'I can't read this' at the husband then I really don't mind.

The frame, being plastic, is heavier to wear than the cheaper readers but still quite comfortable. 

If you would like to try a pair for yourself. I have one pair of your choice to give away.

Entry is via the Rafflecopter widget below and the giveaway ends at 11:59 pm on Sunday 18th June. Terms and conditions apply which are to be found on my competitions page. UK entrants only.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good luck!

Wednesday 2 March 2016

5 Beauty Hacks For Glasses Wearers

You’ve probably seen the videos. YouTube is awash with so-called Beauty Gurus who claim to be able to solve your every facial “fault” with makeup.

But recently a new trend has emerged.

Many major beauty writers, bloggers, and makeup artists have begun discussing makeup techniques relating specifically to glasses wearers.

If you wear glasses yourself, you probably don’t have to ask why. Glasses can smudge mascara, move foundation on the bridge of the nose, hide beautiful eyeshadow and more.

Image Credit

Glasses can be a beautiful, eye catching accessory but it’s easy to see how they can become frustrating.

If you love your glasses but hate what they do to your makeup, I have a few quick hacks to try.

1) Setting Spray 

Many people have a bit of extra redness around the nose area and choose to cover it with foundation or concealer. This can become a problem when glasses leave streaks or marks in all your hard work.

It’s common knowledge to apply powder over problem areas in the hope that it will fix the makeup in place. Sadly, this heavy powder can become cakey and look ageing.

Why not try a setting spray instead?

Not only do setting sprays fix your makeup in place, but they do so without adding another layer of makeup.

The effect of the vast majority of setting sprays is completely invisible, and they’re a great way to freshen up on the go.

2) Waterproof Mascara 

This is perhaps the most obvious solution. If we wear glasses or contact lenses, our eyes can sometimes become irritated. As a result, it’s natural for them to water occasionally but this can have disastrous results for our makeup.

Investing in a waterproof mascara and eyeliner can be a lifesaver.

Many women also find that emphasising the upper lashline is enough to make their eyes stand out.

Products added to the lower lashline are more likely to run and smudge. Add a feline flick on the upper lashline instead, or a few individual lashes for a special occasion.

3) Fix Your Eyebrows 

Make sure that your eyebrows are well-groomed and suit your face.

This is particularly important for glasses wearers. Glasses draw more attention to our eyes in some ways but can also swamp them in others.

Polished, flattering brows will frame the face and make sure our eyes remain a feature.

4) Eye Health 

Okay, so this isn’t strictly a makeup hack but it does still affect your makeup.

Chances are, if you can read this article you’re not struggling too much with your eye health. But don’t get complacent.

Make sure to get regular check ups and invest in eye drops if your eyes feel dry and irritated. Makeup will sit better on eyes that are fresh and healthy.

Image Source

5.) Bright lips 

If you feel your glasses already draw enough attention to your eyes, why not balance it with a brighter lip?

Not only will you feel more polished and confident, but it can be a great way to step into Spring.
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