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Wednesday, 5 October 2016

Review: Psychic Email Readings By Lyndsay Edwards

It's always interesting to learn more about your fellow bloggers and Lyndsay Edwards at the blog livingwithcowsmilkproteinallergy.com has started to use her skills as a medium to offer psychic email readings.

Lyndsay grew up in the spiritualist church and has attended open circle services all her life.  She has always received communication from the spirit world and, having begun to read for others earlier this year, is now offering the service via her blog.

Readings include a minimum of 400 words and cost £25. Lyndsay will shortly be offering readings over the phone too.

Now you may be wholly cynical about psychics but I have been interested in psychic phenomena and mediumship ever since I was a child.

Try as I might, I simply cannot believe that when we die, that's it.  What is the point of the intelligence we have been gifted with otherwise?  So I am entirely open to spiritualism and the belief that our loved ones never leave us and may try to communicate with us from time to time.

Of course, the industry has its charlatans and those who would seek to exploit the grieving but I believe in general that psychics are driven by the need to do good and to offer comfort.

I have certainly found great comfort from past readings at times of crisis in my life, even if the predictions were not 100% accurate.

Sometimes we can ask a psychic things we wouldn't dream of asking a family member or a friend. Asking a psychic questions creates a safe space for us to ask the things that are really bothering us - and sometimes those things we find it very difficult to admit to ourselves.

Lyndsay asked me to give her 2 questions to answer and, without going into personal detail, both questions centered around the fact that I had my children in my forties and am concerned about maintaining a good level of health so I'm around for long enough to see them mature, and hopefully see them have a family of their own.

My reading began with an accurate description of the type of person I am and then dealt with my questions. I have to say that Lyndsay's answers were insightful and identified a few points which she could not have known.

Firstly, spirit advised that I can do far more and should just take the children with me - I am forever using my family situation as an excuse for not getting out and about more. It seems like such an upheaval but I know that's not really a justification for turning down the opportunities that come my way.

Secondly spirit highlighted the exact health worry that scares me most on a daily basis and reassured me that I would be fine. Since the Husband refers to me as "a major drain on the NHS", this really cheered me up.

The reading ended with a message from my grandmother which, although I don't remember the exact moment, had enough detail to be entirely plausible.

I would have liked a slightly longer reading but the answers I received certainly put my mind at rest and gave me comfort.

That, to me, is the main purpose of a psychic reading.

And to those who say that the future cannot be predicted?

I think a psychic reading is a bit like being given a map.  We are shown where we are but we still get to choose the route we take throughout our life.

It's nice to occasionally have a bit of encouragement along the way.

For more information about psychic email readings, visit Lyndsay at www.livingwithcowsmilkproteinallergy.com.

*I received an email psychic reading for the purposes of this review.
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